Processing of undelivered orders, complaints or returns

Neprevzeti paketi, reklamacije, vračila

Processing of undelivered orders, complaints or returns

Accepting undelivered shipments, checking whether the product meets the complaint requirements, returning it to stock or writing it off, destroying the product according to the rules for handling waste packaging, etc. Do any of these sound familiar to you? Do you agree that this part of the business is painful?

In online sales, dealing with undelivered packages (and consequently non-serious customers) and complaints is one of the more demanding tasks. Not only in terms of time, it is also necessary to have a good sense of when a discount can be given to a customer and when not, namely a large number of customers take advantage of this power, which can lead to unforeseen costs.

Within the service, there are several ways of cooperation, but the most common is to agree with the delivery service that undelivered packages are returned directly to our warehouse, where we inspect them, record them and immediately return them to stock. In this way, we make sure that the product is suitable and that the returned products are immediately available again.

The second part of the service includes a combination of user support and a complaints department. By agreement, we can also take over the complaints department (customers who are dissatisfied with the item return it to our address, we inspect the item in detail and assess whether it meets the conditions for return and communicate this to the customer accordingly).

Our added value lies in the fact that we have experience with market inspection and know which threats from buyers need to be treated seriously (because they could harm your brand), and which are just empty threats with which they want to force a refund and harm you.

During our career, we have already written 20-30 different business conditions for online stores in different languages for different markets. We wrote the conditions together with legal services and in cooperation with local market inspections. Therefore, we know which are the necessary things that you must write down in the terms of business, which are allowed and which are prohibited.



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